HEy there, I’m Hannah...

I’ve spent my life turning everything I love into a business venture. 

Well, that’s not exactly true. What happens is I feel threads of inspiration in the world.

I don’t subscribe to the idea that I find this inspiration – more that I trust myself enough to reach out and grab a thread of light that already exists in the world. Then I follow it hand-over-hand – while most other folks can’t see what I am following.

This is a secret that only the intuitive and the artists and the writers and the dreamers know to be absolutely true.

To live authentically is to relinquish overarching doubt. By that, I do not mean that I have no doubts. On the contrary I am riddled with doubt, insecurity, uncertainty and all of the words that come under the heading of general anxiety. But this is has not yet stopped me. 

The space that I need to be in psychologically and physically to allow myself to bring forth my utmost clarity and deliver it to the world is not the most comfortable space to live in as a human. If you’re reading this, I’m certain you understand. 

I will never guarantee to alleviate your discomfort. If there’s anything that I want to teach in this world, it is that discomfort is more of a friend and a teacher than we might ever imagine. 

Capitalistic wellness sells you the idea that you are broken. I want to give you the truth: Which is that you are perfect and whole. The trick to marketing, the trick to business, the trick to success; It’s being able to know that you are entirely perfect and in the same breath able to know that life is hard




With over 15 years of high volume e-commerce experience in multiple markets, Hannah Garrison is a seasoned and adept serial entrepreneur. Winner of the Burt’s Bees Natural Launchpad Grant Program (Calm-A-Mama LLC) and FedEx’s Small Business Grant (Wear Your Music LLC), Garrison collects accolades that have made her both profitable and popular in the world of emerging business.

She’s sold businesses with valuations of over six figures, branded and launched numerous successful start ups, and continues to bring her design and branding prowess to companies across a variety of markets.

Garrison is defined by her unique ability to identify needs and then strategize and implement organized and elegant systems that take the hustle out of the everyday – she’s spun this gold into solutions for business and personal life – seemingly effortlessly. 









hannah <at> hannahgarrison.com